I have been wondering whether my blog has more to do with art than practical purpose. I say this because I want to blog to simulate ideas rather than be a how to guide on things which most people will possibly never have a need for.
Computer science and engineering is often seen as all about creating software with a purpose, so art may be forgotten. Computer science is a adolescent science and I would argue art plays its part in simulating innovation and improving productivity. How are we to find innovation and productivity which can make a dramatic different to performance, user experience or lower development times? I would say this is where art plays an important role.
How do we do this?
There are only two reasons we create art: for ourselves and for othersMy view is that art cannot be created purposely, and it has no direct function. However, it has an important role which is to stimulate creative thinking and stimulate a positive mind set.
-- Brenda BehrArt has no other purpose than to brush aside... the conventional and accepted generalities, in short everything that veils reality from us, in order to bring us face to face with reality itself.
-- Henri BergsonArt is the perpetual motion of illusion. The highest purpose of art is to inspire. What else can you do? What else can you do for any one but inspire them?
-- Bob DylanArt for art's sake, with no purpose, for any purpose perverts art. But art achieves a purpose which is not its own.
― Benjamin Constant, 1804
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow upIn computer science, there is so much to learn all the time. There is constant change. Children acquire knowledge very easily compared with adults and I think its important to approach computer science like a child to keep up and to develop new ideas.
-- Pablo Picasso
- Work on interesting things which will stimulate and challenge you for its own sake.
- Take time out regularly to try new ideas
- When you come back to your work, keep the momentum and excitement
- Look for opportunities to improve things and improve them, don't wait to be asked.
Do it for your own sake (and for the sake of the project) - If you have children, look at the way they learn. You could learn something from them.
Life is Art
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