Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Features of MVC 6 and ASP.Net vNext

1. MVC 6 added new cloud computing optimization system of MVC , web API, SignalR and entity framework.

2. The Microsoft  make a bundle of MVC, Web API, WebPages, SignalR , That bundle we called MVC 6.

3. In MVC 6, Microsoft removed the dependency of system.web.dll from MVC 6  because it's so expensive. Typically  it consume 30K memory per request/response.
Right now, in MVC 6 consume 2K  memory per request response. It's too small memory  consume.

4. Most of the problem solved using the Roslyn Compiler.

5. The ASP .Net  vNext used the Roslyn Compiler,  By using Roslyn compiler do not need to compile the application Its  compile automatically the application code.

6. The .Net vNext is a cross platform and open source.

7. The .Net vNext has the new project extension project.json. Basically project.json contain the all dependency dll of the application.

8. In MVC 5.1 and 5.2 support to Enum and EnumHelper in  razor views.

9. MVC 6 added new cloud computing optimization system of MVC ,
web API, SignalR and entity framework. The Microsoft  make a
bundle of MVC, Web API, WebPages, SignalR , That bundle we called MVC 6. In MVC 6, Microsoft removed the dependency of system.web.dll