Friday, October 25, 2013

New line break problem with EPPLUS when exporting data


Recently i have been facing an issue while exporting data  using C# and EPPLUS. I used below solution to get that done ::

Since my data is coming from stored procedure and this data is stored in a single column, i used a special character to seperate data.


so in excel this will be displayed as


if you send data from DB like for example :: ENTRY1\r\nENTRY2, it didnt work even if i convert that to a string. So, i replaced this special character in my c# code.

  int rowCnt=ws.Dimension.End.Row;
           for (int i = 1; i <= rowCnt; i++)
             using (var rngs = ws.Cells["FD"+i])
               var rt1 = rngs.RichText.Text;
               if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rt1))
                 rngs.Style.WrapText = true;
                 var rt2 = rng.RichText.Add(rt1.Replace("***", "\r\n"));
                 rngs.Style.WrapText = true;


Ujjwal Soni

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Internationalization in Demandware

i18n / internationalization

Although internationalization (or i18n for short) covers a number of different aspects, its primaryrole is to provide pages in multiple languages. To ensure this can be achieved, one should never include language-specific text in a template or controller directly. Instead of this, one should use the Demandware property mechanism. As familiar from languages such as Java, this permits thedefinition of entities known as "property" files, which assign the actual language-specific texts to unique keys. Since Demandware loads all property files automatically, this means you always have access to the keys of all property files.

Instead of using the Resource class from Demandware, you should utilize the i18n method provided by the framework. This offers a few extensions that, among other things, permit the utilization of property file content in frontend JavaScript functions.
Sample property file (""):

user.profile.complete.head=Complete Your Profile is this?


Ujjwal Soni

Demandware UX Studio plugin installation in eclipse

Step 1:  In Eclipse, from the main menu,  select  Help > Install New Software.
The Available Software dialog appears.

Step 2:  In the Work with field, enter the URL for your version of Eclipse:

    Indigo -
    Juno -

Step 3:  Select Demandware from the list and select Next. At this point Eclipse will compare the UX Studio requirements with what is available to ensure compatibility. After this process is complete,
 the Install Details dialog appears. 

Step 4:  Select the I accept the terms of the license agreements button and then select Finish. The Installing Software dialog appears showing the progress of the installation.

Step 5:  Select Yes when prompted to restart Eclipse.


Ujjwal Soni

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Demandware Graphical Pipelines Disadvantages


Below are some disadvantages i discovered while working on demandware :

The graphical pipelines have a number of disadvantages. First, they are highly static and difficult to maintain. Above all, however, it is also theoretically impossible to work on a pipeline with multiple developers. The reason for this is that even the repositioning of a single pipe let leads to changes at various places in the XML file – a file in which the pipeline is ultimately saved. This leads to a situation where conflicts that occur when merging before checking-in to a shared repository are very difficult – or impossible – to resolve. In addition, the URLs that result from the pipeline model are strictly predefined (

Above all, i found implementing MVC model much better and easy in comparision to Graphical Pipeline.

Comments are welcomed.


Ujjwal Soni

Thursday, October 10, 2013

SharePoint Vs LifeRay

Similarity between SharePoint and LifeRay
NoSharePoint Server 2010Liferay 6.0.9 CE
1SharePoint have web Part which only render in portion of the PagesLiferay have Portlet which also have same feature
2Per User Website provide by SharePoint (Standard and Enterprise Edition contain this feature)Per User custom Page is present in Liferay
3User Profile does collaboration part for SharePointOpenSocial provides collaboration plugins for LifeRay
4Finding Employee(User) is very easilyFinding Employee(User) Search is very easily
5Visual Studio 2010 IDE contain template for SharePointEllipse or Liferay Studio IDE contain template for SharePoint
6Multi tenancy is fulfilled with Farm / Site CollectionMulti tenancy is fulfilled with Department (as per Liferay )
7SharePoint Setup information is store in Database and registryLiferay Setup information is store in XML file only
8Document Versioning and Co –Worker changes can be done in SharePointLiferay Plug ins Social Office provide very similar feature in it.
Difference between SharePoint and Liferay
NoSharePoint Server 2010Liferay 6.0.9 CE
1Publishing Feature which give provision for user to have data entry pages convert into WebPagesLiferay does not have any such provision for Publishing
2Database is very complex and customization is not recommendedLiferay Database is very simple and custom query can be written on it
3SharePoint Designer give huge boost to Information Worker to work on itInformation worker need to be depend Developer for lots of activity which can be done by Information Worker
4SharePoint UI is different and learning is requireLiferay UI is very simple and easily to learn in it.
5Lots of Activity can be done without writing single line of CodePlugins can help but still user does not have lots of controls as compare to SharePoint
6User can View their Microsoft Office content in the BrowserLiferay does not have this provision in it
7SharePoint Enterprise Search is too huge and provide lots of option to filter and data gathering  and so onLiferay search is simple as compare to SharePoint Enterprise Search (Plugins can make Liferay search upto SharePoint Enterprise Search)
8Business Connectivity Service provide option for integrated with another Enterprise Product with in OrganizationLiferay does not have any such feature either Plugins or Web Service can fulfil this needs
9SharePoint Does not have chat service integrated with itLiferay have chat and lots of other service integrated with it (plugins are provided with setup)
10Microsoft Own SharePointCommunity Developed and Open Source
11Support is very Expensive from Microsoft and never come under LicenseEnterprise Edition provide Support which is part of the license
12Single Instance cannot be @ zero cost  ( Windows Server 2008 R2 , SQL Server 2008 & )Single Instance can be @ zero cost (Ubantu OS, My SQL Database)
Personnel Option
  1. Liferay is very cheap and good solution for small and mid size enterprise
  2. Liferay UI is too good and user can learn very easily
  3. SharePoint is good tools for Rich and Large organizations
  4. SharePoint have lots of feature as compare to Liferay
  5. Liferay is better than other CMS tools like Dot Net Nuke , Orchard , Word Press , Joomla or Drupal
  1. http://www.liferay .com
  2. LifeRay Development Guide
  3. LifeRay Administrator Guide