Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Backporting Struts 2 to JDK1.4 or JDK 1.3

Struts 2 framework and its dependencies available currently are compiled using JDK 1.5 and if you want to use same framework on JDK1.4 then you will require to backport these jars. Struts 2 framework core jars and its plugin jars can be translated to JDK 1.4 or 1.3 using Retrotranslator utility.

Retrotranslator is a open source project which does this translation.

You can read more about this on http://retrotranslator.sourceforge.net/

Here are the steps to create the backport jars for JDK 1.4 or JDK 1.3

1. Download Struts 2 - Alternative Java 4 JARs: from http://struts.apache.org.
This also contains the retrotanslator jar files

2. Unzip the downloaded file, this should create backport folder containing core jars, and retrotranslation jar files.

3. Now copy all your Struts 2 Jars (including dependancies) to a folder say (Struts2-1.5)

4. Create another folder for converted jar files say (Struts2-1.4)

5. Run below command for each jar in the Struts2-1.5 folder

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2--.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2--.jar

Note: Replace the & tokens with appropriate jar values.
Here are commands for struts backporting

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-core- -destjar Struts2-1.4/struts2-core-j4-

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/xwork-2.0.5.jar -destjar Struts2-1.4/xwork-j4-2.0.5.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-codebehind.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-codebehind.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-core.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-core-1.4.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-spring.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-spring.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-pell.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-pell.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-plexus.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-plexus.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-struts1.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-struts1.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-jsf.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-jsf.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-sitegraph.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-sitegraph.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-sitemesh.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-sitemesh.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-tiles.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-tiles.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/struts2-config-browser.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/struts2-config-browser.jar

java -jar retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.2.jar -advanced -srcjar Struts2-1.5/xwork-2.0.5.jar -destjar ./Struts2-1.4/xwork-2.0.5.jar

6. This should create all your jars which are required for JDK 1.4.

7. Make sure you delete all JDK 1.5 compiled jars from your application lib and replace it with translated jars for JDK 1.4. Keeping both may create unknown issues.

Retrotranslator is not limited to backporting the Struts 2 framework. Its a utility which can be utilized for backporting any JDK 1.5 compiled code to JDK 1.4.


Ujjwal Soni

Monday, January 24, 2011

java.sql.SQLException: Data size bigger than max size for this type

Hi All,

Last week i was facing an issue on inserting Blob data in Oracle 10g database. I tested my application on Jboss container and locally my application was running fine, the real problem i faced when i deployed it on Oc4J container.

I got this error ::: java.sql.SQLException: Data size bigger than max size for this type

I tried everything, even i upgraded my jdbc driver but the problem was still there.

Here is my problem code ::

CallableStatement cstmt =

call product_image(?,?,?)}");

cstmt.setInt(1, id);
cstmt.setBinaryStream(2,file.getInputStream(), (int) file.getFileSize());
cstmt.setString(3, companyCode);

cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.INTEGER);

int returnValue=cstmt.getInt(1);

I am using Jdk 1.4 and even my OC4J server is having jdk 1.4

 I temporarily resolved the issue using simple update statements using prepared statement and inserted blob in  my DB, but i wanted that via a procedure.

 Later, i tried below code and it worked fine ::

String sql = "{call TEST_INSERT_USER_REG(?)}";
cstmt = conn.prepareCall(sql);
cstmt.setBytes(1, Your BLOB data in Bytes);


Ujjwal Soni

Clearing form data using jquery

A question I often hear is, “How do I clear a form?”
Initially the answer seems very straightforward – a one-liner in jQuery:

$('form :input').val("");
But upon closer examination we find that this is a bad way to solve the problem. When someone says they want to “clear a form” what they really mean is that they want to clear the visible state from all the form fields. With this in mind, the code above is clearly not the right way to get the job done. First, it will blast away the values of hidden inputs, checkboxes and radio buttons. Not good. The values of those fields should not be altered. And second, it does not properly account for select elements. What we need is something smarter. Here’s a start:
  1. $.fn.clearForm = function() {
  2.   return this.each(function() {
  3.     var type = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
  4.     if (tag == 'form')
  5.       return $(':input',this).clearForm();
  6.     if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')
  7.       this.value = '';
  8.     else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio')
  9.       this.checked = false;
  10.     else if (tag == 'select')
  11.       this.selectedIndex = -1;
  12.   });
  13. };
Voila! Now we have a plugin for clearing form fields that can be called like this:
Ujjwal Soni